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Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

how to remove acne

Remove acne emang easy easy difficult. Sometimes the acne comes then goes away by itself without treatment even if (acne who are said as many thought), but there are also acne ngeyel been fixed though in different ways then the membanyak, rampant and undermine our facial skin. Well if you already like ya are increasingly confident aja ga meet people meet beautiful girls let alone wkwkwk ..

Here are simple tips on how or eliminate acne. I am one hundred percent guarantee ga lost but from many people who try the following tips can reduce acne.

1. Wash your face at least 2 times a day.

Washing your face can help clean the face of oil, if we are rarely cleaned, the bacteria that cause acne will thrive in our faces. But remember .. do not wash face excessively especially facial scrub because it actually will increase oil production sobaceous which can cause skin problems on the face. Wash your face 2 times a day using a mild soap.

3. best to avoid oily cosmetics.

naturally we face will produce oil, even though dry skin. So as much as possible to avoid excessive use of cosmetics because oil and dust will be the media that causes acne bacteria to settle on our faces.

4. Eat Vegetables and Fruits

Conscious or not diet greatly affect the appearance of acne therefore preferred diet for teenagers who have high fiber content. In addition it is also necessary to add fruits that contain antioxidants such as apples, carrots, and tomatoes.

5. Inadequate Levels of Protein You

Teens also need sufficient protein levels and I recommend to choose tempeh and tofu. Why tempeh and tofu, tempeh and tofu because it allegedly contains estrogen, a hormone that serves to smooth the skin, eliminate acne and prevent prostate cancer. Avoid oily foods and saturated fat (oil that has been used many times).

6. Drinking water 2 Liters a day

Nearly 70% of our skin consists of water, with drinking water at least 2 liters a day, then our skin will always fit and healthy.

7. Adequate sleep and regular

The skin is also just like us, need a break. So get used to sleeping enough and regularly. Because when we sleep, the skin will regenerate and racun2 dangerous, so when we woke up the next day we will kebali fresh skin.

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